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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    We believe it is our vocation to provide students and families with a loving community where children flourish as learners and Christians. 

    We believe it is our calling to develop excellence in: 

    • head.pngLEARNING through academics
      • Each student is encouraged to realize his/her full academic potential as an individual uniquely created by God
    • foot.pngLIVING in Christ 
      • God has blessed each person with unique gifts and talents to be developed and used in God's service. Students will experience an active Christian faith that will develop their gifts and talents in practical service projects and investigation of his/her personal faith journey.
    • foot.pngLEADING by serving others
      • Students are challenged to become leaders and effective citizens at school and in the community by being involved in various service learning projects.  
    • foot.pngLOVING with strength of character 
      • Students receive character education: honesty, kindness, loyalty, perseverance, integrity, tolerance, respect, equality, stewardship and community awareness. Students develop their attitude of service and doing everything as unto the Lord (i.e., giving one's best)

    Our faculty is committed to serving our students and their families to the best of our abilities.


    • appreciate that each of us are unique LEARNERs - children and adults alike

    • face challenges by working to support our students and engage them in building the skills they need to succeed.

    • engage in clear and consistent communication with home, not only to inform, but also to seek input into how we can best meet the needs of our students

    • are committed to continuous improvement in order to provide the highest quality education to our students and most effective services to our families

    • focus on literacy and numeracy skills, developing international mindedness and global awareness

    • have strong parental support and provide excellent opportunities for your child to explore God’s world around us  

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Welcome to an incredible school community where Jesus is Lord of All Things. 

Meadowlark Christian School is proud to be a Christian alternative school within a robust and diverse public school system. Our school is unique in that it is supported by Meadowlark Christian School’ Foundation: a group of committed Christian’s who ensure and financially support the integrity and longevity of our Christian Program.      

Our school serves approximately 420 students from kindergarten to grade nine. We are a dedicated group of educators living into our vocation, committed to the highest quality education for your child in an environment that nurtures excellent character, leadership, academics, spiritual growth and personal development. We are dedicated to supporting student learning, wellness and an overall sense of belonging.

Our program follows the Alberta Curriculum and is designed to nurture excellent character, leadership, robust academics, and spiritual outcomes in students through the use of faith-based strategies and value-rich role modeling by staff and parent partnerships.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Meadowlark Christian School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9. 

Please remember that existing students must be registered every year through the MCS Foundation Ltd. website as well.


Principal's Message

Welcome to this new school year at Meadowlark Christian School. My name is Rachel McOuat, I am privileged and humbled to be Meadowlark Christian’s principal. We are excited to welcome our new and returning MCS families to newly renovated classrooms this year. 

“Love your God, and love your neighbour as yourself,” is a major theme of the Community Christian Education Program at Meadowlark Christian School (MCS). Meadowlark Christian School is proud to be a Christian alternative school within a robust and diverse public school system. 

Through faith-based instruction integrated within daily learning, chapels, Bible Study classes, robust athletics, spiritual retreats, and formational learning experiences, students experience all that MCS has to offer within a loving, God centered community.

Our deep hope is that each student will flourish, revel in God’s love and school community, feel a sense of belonging, grow joyous relationships, realize and exceed academic potential, cultivate wonder, and appreciate the diversity of God’s Kingdom. In Corinthians, Paul reminds us that each of us “... are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 27 

It is a gift to learn and grow with this community; I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you and your family. The MCS community strives to build strong and lasting relationships with open communication. Being seen, heard and understood is essential to this relationship building.  Please know I am available to support your child(ren) through their learning journey - I welcome parents and guardians to reach out as needed. I look forward to continuing to get to know each of the amazing people in this school community.

Our doors are open and we welcome you to come and learn and grow with us. 


Mrs. Rachel McOuat 

Principal Meadowlark Christian School

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27