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At Meadowlark Christian School, the Kindergarten program (also referred to as ECS) is rooted in our desire to provide each unique, beginning learner with a caring, trusting, comfortable environment. Children are encouraged to reach their potential in all areas – intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, creatively and spiritually.

Kindergarten children derive a sense of security from predictable schedules and routines. Classroom time is also flexible enough to allow for spontaneous learning experiences. Our schedule attempts to balance structured time with open-ended discovery time. 

Themes - The Kindergarten curriculum and activities are built around specific monthly themes (e.g., Bears, I am Special, Autumn, Health and Nutrition, Safety, a monthly Scripture focus, etc.). 

Field Trips - Through theme-related field trips, children see how their lives connect with other people, places and things.   

Literacy - Our language instruction is based on the Animated Literacy Program, created by Jim Stone. Sounds are introduced through alphabet characters and accompanied by stories, actions, songs, drawing, and printing. Children learn to combine sounds as they are learned. 

Skills - Many parents wonder, “What should I be doing to prepare my child for Kindergarten?” Most children should know their first and last names, be able to print their first name, and recognize the eight basic colours.

Participating in the following activities will also help your child be ready for Kindergarten. 

  • Talk, talk, talk! 
  • Read with your child on a daily basis.
  • Play games together.
  • Encourage word games (rhymes, opposites, etc.).
  • Focus on fine motor skills.
  • Provide peer interaction.

 Division One (Grades 1-3)

For students just embarking on their educational journey, Meadowlark Christian School provides a welcoming introduction to school and the classroom, in a positive and affirming atmosphere. It’s a wonderful place to begin a school career.

Division One students are a joy to work with. At Meadowlark Christian School we strive to provide an atmosphere in which they are content, eager to learn and given access to a wide variety of resources. MCS staff get to know the children one-on-one and are able to respond appropriately to individual needs.

Teachers, staff and parent volunteers work as a team to provide: 

  • available individualized programs for students with special needs 
  • a solid music program that provides building blocks for future learning 
  • full size gymnasium for Physcial Education   
  • safe, clean, positive environment that encourages regular attendance  
  • an emphasis on literacy, particularly through guided reading 
  • a setting in which educational goals are pursued in tandem with spiritual values

 Communication between the classroom and the home is facilitated by: 

  • monthly newsletters 
  • emails, phone calls and personal conversations with parents 
  • use of student agendas to encourage organization and planning 

Division Two (Grades 4-6)

Division Two students have had several years of educational experience. They’ve learned the ropes. At Meadowlark Christian School we strive to help them increase their skills as they navigate in an environment where more is expected of them academically. As well, students are given more responsibility to parallel their increasing maturity, and experience greater accountability for their actions.

As in Division One, MCS staff get to know the children one-on-one, and are able to respond appropriately to individual needs.

In Division Two, the MCS environment includes: 

  • available individualized programs for students with special needs 
  • the introduction of Spanish as a second language
  • a solid music program that provides building blocks for future learning 
  • public performance opportunities in the annual Christmas musical production 
  • team teaching in every grade, allowing students to have a minimum of two teachers 
  • a moderate increase in homework at each learning level, including the imposition of consequences for uncompleted homework 
  • equipping students to face increased responsibility in all facets of life 
  • encouraging students to actively serve others, both within the school and in the wider community a setting in which educational goals are pursued in tandem with spiritual values
  • monthly chapel time  

Communication between the classroom and the home is facilitated by:

  • newsletters, emails, phone calls, and personal conversations with parents 
  • notification of parents if inappropriate behaviour persists or escalates 
  • use of student agendas to encourage organization and planning 
  • having parents sign or initial their child’s tests and quizzes 

Our goal is to prepare our Division Two students to successfully navigate Junior High.

Division Three (Grades 7-9)

Division Three students are the experienced student-leaders at Meadowlark Christian School. They are beginning to look at the world with more adult eyes, and are open to new thoughts and an expanded academic life. At MCS, we strive to provide a stable setting in which maturing students are able to identify their potential and take steps towards achieving that potential.

In Division Three, the MCS environment includes:

  • available individualized programs for students with special needs 
  • increased homework at each learning level, including the imposition of consequences for incomplete homework 
  • Fall Youth Retreat in September 
  • increased course and option selections and continuing Spanish as a second language
  • full size gymnasium for high performance volleyball, basketball, and badminton teams. We also have competitive track & field  
  • equipping students to face increased responsibility in all facets of life 
  • encouraging students to actively serve others, both within the school and in the wider community 
  • providing work study and service opportunities for grade nine students including an annual mission trip  
  • weekly chapel time with teachers and high profile guest speakers 
  • a setting in which educational goals are pursued in tandem with spiritual values

Committed Christian teachers act as models and mentors for students in their turbulent adolescent years. Our goal is to prepare Division Three students so they are ready to face the rigours of Senior High, and able to meet the larger challenge of living a life of integrity and purpose.

Special Needs

At Meadowlark Christian School, we believe all students are able to learn. This is facilitated by a curriculum that has both continuity and flexibility. We are committed to offering a range of programs and instructional options to accommodate differing needs and interests.

Special needs students receive an education appropriate to their abilities, leading to personal growth and non-competitive success. On occasion, changes are made to curriculum, staffing, instructional and evaluation strategies, materials and resources, facilities or equipment. If we are unable to meet the special needs of a student at MCS, we will assist with placement of that student in a more appropriate setting.

A special needs student is able to thrive at MCS with the training, flexibility and creativity of MCS teachers.